You can apply to our program by filling out the preliminary or final application form below. We recommend that you first send the preliminary form to the email address to save time and energy by providing quick feedback on the concept. We’ll review your idea and get back to you as soon as possible.
Preliminary application form
Submitting a detailed and final application is a complex and time-consuming task, so we recommend to fill out our preliminary application form before submitting your final application, which will allow us to give you advance notice of your project. It is important that we understand the proposed solution and business concept based on the submissions. Please highlight what type of problem the team wants to target, what the sales proposition is, how the product or solution will work, and why it is more successful than its competitors.
The documents submitted will be reviewed in each case and we will provide feedback on our evaluation within two weeks.
Final application form
To prepare the application, a detailed proposal must be submitted in accordance with the published Call for Proposals. We have done everything we can to simplify procedures, but it is still a complex and time-consuming task.
Although it is not a requirement, we recommend you to fill out our preliminary application form and consult the incubator in advance in order to understand the detailed rules and procedures and the required content of the application conditions before submitting a detailed, final application.
Good luck!